My introduction to the health and fitness industry was through lecturing anatomy and physiology. After a few years of running a beauty company in the Middle East, clients of which included the Kuwaiti royal family, I knew my true passion lay within health and fitness, something that has brought me such joy throughout my life.
After many years collating a wide range of qualifications, I landed an amazing opportunity working as part of the founding management team at the Harbour Club in Chelsea. From the ground up, we launched a pioneering health club in which I had the opportunity to be involved in the design and management of the studios, pools and training programmes. I have worked with some of the top professionals in the industry; and personally trained members of UK and international royalty, including Diana Princess of Wales and Queen Constantine of Greece, actors including Julia Roberts, plus many more.
Since the birth of my son, I took a step back from management and moved my focus to core fitness. Since leaving management, I have spent 23 years teaching a variety of classes to clients with a wide range of abilities. Undeterred by this past, unforeseen year in lockdown, I have now moved my classes online and have been teaching this way for the past year. In doing so I have refined and adapted my fitness programme for an online audience and welcome new clients from all levels.
I am always keen to meet new people interested in getting into fitness, or improving their healthy lifestyle. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Exercise to Music Certificate - RSA
ACE (American Council on Exercise) Certification
Shape Certification in Advanced Aspects of Physiology and Practical Application to Advanced Teaching
Paul Chek Scientific Core Conditioning and back training
Core board - Reebok
Ante & Post Natal - FitPro
Pelvic floor training Fitness Professionals
STOTT Pilates
I am always looking to update, broaden and improve my knowledge of the field. I am currently enrolled in further courses for 'Shoulder Gurdle' and 'Stability & Function'.